오징어게임성공에 이어서 넷플릭스에 한국드라마 새로운 대박이 터졌네요.
-Following the success of Squid Game last year onNetflix, it's no wonder that the international popularity of Korean dramas is on the rise.
오징어게임도 아직 못봤는데 지금우리학교때문에 넷플릭스를 보게 생겼습니다.
- Because of All of us are dead, I've restarted membership of Neflix.
All of us are dead Cast
넷플릭스 지금 우리 학교는 등장인물 인스타그램
2003. 11. 7.
배우 박지후님이 남온조역을 맡았어요. 털털하고 귀여운 여고생. 친구가 좀비로 변한모습을 가장 먼저 알게 되는 주인공. 찬영이 옆집에살면서 찬영이를 좋아하는 것으로 나온다고 해요. 끝까지 최후까지 살아남는 1인이라고 합니다. 박지후님은 영화 벌새로 이미 세계적으로 유명한 배우가 되었다고 합니다.
On-jo is a popular student who's next-door neighbors and close friends with Cheong-san, though she has feelings for Su-hyeok. When the zombies come, she uses the knowledge learned from her firefighter dad to help her friends survive.18-year-old actor Park Ji-hu made is best known for her role in the film House of Hummingbird, TK. She's also appeared in the dramas Sweet Revenge 2 and Beautiful World. Next she's set to star in the upcoming drama Little Women alongside Kim Go-eun.
2003. 11. 7.
배우 윤영찬님이 이청산역을 맡았어요. 거의 대부분의 시간을 옆집에사는 친구인 은조랑 보낸다고 하는데요. 위기의 상황에서 항상 침착하게 행동해서 친구들을 위기로부터 구한다고 하네요. 배우 윤영차님은 2013년에 데뷔한 배우라고해요. MBC 베스트 아역배우상을 받았던 배우네요.
Student Cheong-san spends most of his time with his next-door neighbor On-jo and his male friends at school, including Su-hyeok and Gyeong-su. He also may have feelings for On-jo. Yoon Chan-young made his debut in 2013 and won the MBC Drama Award for Best Child Actor a year later, for his role in the drama Mama. Since then, the young star has also appeared inDr. Romantic,Still 17,Doctor John, andNobody Knows.
2003. 11. 7.
배우 조이현님이 최남라역을 맡았어요. 냉철한 반장역으로 나온다고 합니다. 배우들중에서 가장익숙한 배우였는데요. 슬기로운의사생활에서 나왔던 배우였기 때문이지요.
Class president and top student Nam-ra is mostly quiet and keeps to herself, though Su-hyeok tries to get through her walls. While evading the zombies, she and Su-hyeok form a special bond. Cho Yi-hyun has starred in hit dramas and films since her 2017 debut, including both seasons of Hospital Playlist and the psychological thriller Metamorphosis. She recently won a KBS Drama Award for Best Couple alongside Kim Yo-han for School 2021.
1994. 7. 18.
배우 이윤미님이 이나연역을 맡았어요. 금수저로 나오는 이기적인성격으로 나온다고하는데요. 그래서 좀비가 나왔을때도 이기적으로 행동해서 친구들과 갈등을 보이다고합니다. 오징어게임에도나왔던 배우인데 두번째 대박을 터트리네요.
Na-yeon is a rich kid who thinks the poorer kids are beneath her. She's also impatient and selfish, caring for her own survival over everyone else's. Lee Yoo-mi makes a return to Netflix after her scene-stealing role as Ji-yeong (Player 240) on the international hit Squid Game. The young star has appeared in several films and dramas since 2010, including 365: Repeat the Year and My Holo Love.
1999. 11. 11.
배우 박솔몬님이 이수혁역을 맡았어요. 외모답게 엄청 싸움을잘하는? 강한 이미지로 나오는 역이라 친구들을 보호한다고 합니다. 반장인 조이현을 좋아하는것으로 나온대요.
Popular athlete Su-hyeok is caught in a love triangle when the show starts; On-jo likes him, but he doesn't want to get in the way of Cheong-san's feelings for her. Either way, he has eyes for class president Nam-ra. Rising actor Park Solomon, aka Lomon, made his debut in the 2014 dramas Bride of the Century and 4 Legendary Witches. He's perhaps best known for playing high schooler Ji-hoon in 2017's Sweet Revenge, and he also acted in the 2019 Chinese series Lookism.
- 출처 ( Source )
All of Us Are Dead cast: Who is in the Netflix cast?
ALL OF US ARE DEAD is out on Netflix but who stars in the new Korean zombie series?
The 'All of Us Are Dead' Cast: Your Guide
Meet the high schoolers outrunning the zombie apocalypse.
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